Grand Opening Ceremony inaugurates 2024 EKF Senior Championships in Zadar

Grand Opening Ceremony inaugurates 2024 EKF Senior Championships in Zadar

The tremendous success of the 2024 EKF Senior Championships in Zadar, Croatia, was celebrated at the spectacular opening ceremony presided over by Nikolina Brnjac, the Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia. The event, held at the Kresimir Cosic Sports hall in Zadar, was also headed by Antonio Espinós, President of the World Karate Federation and the European Karate Federation; Branko Duki?, Mayor of the City of Zadar; and Davor Cipek, General Secretary of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union.

With members of the Executive Committee of the EKF and numerous other high-ranking officials in attendance, the opening ceremony was a testament to the unity and spirit of karate, as athletes and officials from across Europe came together to celebrate the official inauguration of this outstanding sporting event.

In her address, Minister Nikolina Brnjac expressed her pride in hosting the championships in Croatia and emphasized the importance of sports in promoting unity and cooperation among nations.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the Croatian Karate Union on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, and on behalf of the entire Ministry of Tourism and Sport for organising this important competition. The Croatian Karate Union has proven itself as a successful organiser of major karate events for years. For the second time in the past three years, Croatia is hosting the European Senior Championships. Organising such events is one of the best ways to promote Croatia. I extend a warm welcome to all participants to Zadar and Croatia, and I wish you all successful performances,” said Mrs Brnjac.


Mayor Branko Dukic extended a warm welcome to all participants and spectators, reaffirming Zadar’s commitment to supporting sports and cultural events that bring people together.

“It is with exceptional honour that the city of Zadar has hosted the European Championships in Karate and Para-Karate. I would like to express my gratitude to the Croatian Karate Union for choosing Zadar as the host city for this important competition. To the competitors, I wish you success in the Championships, and to all participants, I invite you to explore the beauty of Zadar after the competition,” said Mr Dukic.

From left to right: the State Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Tomislav Druzak, the Secretary General of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union Davor Cipek, the Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac, WKF and EKF President Antonio Espinós, and the representative in the Croatian Parliament Davor Ivo Stier.


Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union, Davor Cipek highlighted the sensational commitment of the Croatian Karate family to the progress of the sport and expressed the excitement of Croatian Karate for hosting the most important Karate event in Europe.


“We are proud to welcome 51 national karate delegations from the European Karate Federation, with almost 1200 accredited individuals. We are immensely proud of the trust bestowed upon us by being entrusted with the organization of such a significant competition.  Karate speaks all languages and connects people of all generations, regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliation, and according to these fundamental principles, our karate family is well known. The 59th European Senior Karate Championships in Zadar is more than just a competition. It is a place where friendship, respect, and tolerance are expressed among all participants,” said Davor Cipek.


Antonio Espinós echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the significance of the championships in promoting karate as a sport of excellence and integrity.

” I extend my sincere thanks to the Croatian Karate Union, led by President Davor Cipek, for the excellent organisation of this exceptional event for European karate. The work that the Croatian Karate Union has done to put together this magnificent competition is the perfect showcase of how a top Karate organisation can work alongside an engaged institution like the city of Zadar and the sporting authorities of Croatia to make an event truly unforgettable.  To all participants, I wish you success in your performances and a pleasant stay in Zadar and Croatia.”

WKF and EKF President Antonio Espinós hands over a recognition to the Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac in the presence of the Secretary General of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union, Davor Cipek.

The opening ceremony continued the exciting week of karate action in Zadar, with athletes showcasing their skills and competing for continental glory. The event moves now to its decisive phase with the medals being awarded on Saturday and Sunday.

Top Picture: The Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac (centre) poses with the President of the World Karate Federation and the European Karate Federation Antonio Espinós, the Secretary General of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union, Davor Cipek and the Croatian delegation competing in Zadar.


The Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac officially opened the event.

WKF and EKF President Antonio Espinós addressed the audience of competitors and fans at the Kresimir Cosic Sports Hall.

The Mayor of the City of Zadar Branko Dukic.

The Secretary General of the European Karate Federation and President of the Croatian Karate Union, Davor Cipek welcomed all participants to the event in Zadar.

WKF and EKF President Antonio Espinós and the Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac.